
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.

No matter what i say or do
I'll still feel you here
Until the moment i'm gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.

I never wanted anything so much
than to drown in your love
and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be.
I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here i am and i stand so tall,

just the way i'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.


Tudo o que vem depois

é a busca frustrada por um



And how can i stand here with you

And not be moved by you?

Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?

Just hold me in your arms, and i know that you won't let me fall.


Alma minha gentil, que te partiste
Tão cedo desta vida, descontente,
Repousa lá no Céu eternamente
E viva eu cá na terra sempre triste.

Se lá no assento etéreo, onde subiste,
Memória desta vida se consente,
Não te esqueças daquele amor ardente
Que já nos olhos meus tão puro viste.

E se vires que pode merecer-te
Alguma coisa a dor que me ficou
Da mágoa, sem remédio, de perder-te,

Roga a Deus, que teus anos encurtou,
Que tão cedo de cá me leve a ver-te,
Quão cedo de meus olhos te levou.




i just wish to be like him.

Paisible et heureuse.
can't we just live the moment, like them?
we talk too much
we think too much
we want too much
we live much less


Why am i feeling this insecurity?
It seems like the floor is running away underneath my feet.
Should i believe on what happened on our past?
Was it even real? Does it ever happened? Why am i still waiting?
I need to feel the heat of your hands holding mine, again.
I need to see your face, your eyes, your lips, and that funny little spot that you have on your hand.
I wanna talk with you. I wanna laugh with you. I wanna say stupid things with you.
I ...

I miss you


Ao longe, ao luar,
No rio uma vela,
Serena a passar,
Que é que me revela?

Não sei, mas meu ser
Tornou-se-me estranho,
E eu sonho sem ver
Os sonhos que tenho.

Que angústia me enlaça?
Que amor não se explica?
É a vela que passa
Na noite que fica.

Leve, leve, muito leve,
Um vento muito leve passa,
E vai-se, sempre muito leve.

Eu não sei o que penso,
Nem procuro sabê-lo.